Using ArchiMate to design learning environment architectures

Link: Using ArchiMate to design learning environment architectures.

Published in International Open Forum Proceedings. 24th ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 Plenary and WG meetings, International Open Forum. Shanghai, China: Ministry of Education Information Technology Standards Committee China e-Learning Technology Standardization Committee (CELTSC), pp. 180-194.

Abstract: A desire to customise and personalise learning experiences, combined with the rise of a number of new tool integration technologies has led to a move away from monolithic Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs, also known as Learning Management Systems ‘LMSs’) towards more open and Distributed Learning Environments (DLEs). The various DLE architectures can have very different properties, however, and choosing between them can be difficult.

The Open Group’s ArchiMate standard may help in that regard. It was designed to facilitate communication about architectures between all stakeholders in an organisation. It is a visual language that aims to help conversations about IT systems, business processes, organisational structure and strategy. This paper will present a number of DLE patterns that illustrate the range of possible architectures. Both the potential of these patterns as well as the utility of the ArchiMate language in explicating them will be evaluated.

Keywords:Enterprise Architecture; VLE; DLE; LMS; learning technology
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Service Design in Higher and Further Education

Link: Service design in Higher and Further Education (pdf).

Summary: This guide is an introduction to service design and improvement methodology and its application in Higher and Further Education. It introduces a key technique service blueprinting – which has been used successfully at the University of Derby in the Development and Review of Business Interfaces (DERBI) project to improve the transition stage from applicant to registered student, with a specific focus on the university enrolment process. Together with a theoretical introduction to service design, the guide provides illustrative examples (coloured boxes) of how service blueprinting can be applied.

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York St. John Digital Repository: an ecological view of interactions and systems

Link: York St. John Digital Repository: an ecological view of interactions and systems (pdf).

YSJ DigiRep is a newly established digital archive at York St. John. Established to help manage learning resources and research outputs from a diverse range of subjects across the institution, YSJ DigiRep has now come to the end of its project funding. This case study examines its context, seeks to identify why it has integrated so successfully into institutional processes, and highlight potential tensions as it transitions to being an institutional service. The study draws on an ecologically influenced approach developed by the Repositories Research Team.

Technology Change in Higher and Further Education- a Service Oriented Approach

Link: Technology change in higher and further education- a service oriented approach (html).

An online publication for those involved in strategic planning, deployment, and implementation of IT systems in educational institutions. It takes a socio-technical perspective and the structure of the materials is based on the life-cycle model based on Enid Mumford’s work. The sections consider why you might want to move in this direction, your state of readiness, approaches you might take, and the technological options available. The authors provide information and insights from the extensive experience they collectively bring from senior management, through to strategic and technical development in education.

An Ecological Approach To Repository And Service Interactions

Link: An ecological approach to repository and service interactions (pdf).

A report detailing how the use of ecological metaphors can help us understand better the interactions that take place between digital repositories and related services.

This work began in response to a perceived need to express something of how and why digital repositories and services interact. As a community of implementers and developers we have well understood technical models and architectures that provide conceptual mechanisms to promote interoperability. Articulating the details and challenges of actual interactions that occur, however, is not so widely understood and knowledge about them is not often shared. This is, in part at least, because we tend to share in the abstract through architectures and use cases and in these we focus on the technical. Articulating interactions or connections requires an engagement with and presentation of specific local details. Beginning to consider why particular interactions succeed or fail over time requires us to factor in more than the technical.
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What is IMS Enterprise?

Link: What is IMS Enterprise? (pdf)

A CETIS briefing paper about IMS Enterprise, a specification for transferring data about people and groups (for example, students on a course) between systems such as Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), Portals, Student Record Systems (SRSs), and Management Information Systems (MISs).

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